A white swoosh
A red can
A white apple
Multi-colored letters
If you live in the civilized world (and since you’re on a computer, I’m guessing you do) you understand the four things I mentioned above. They’re the logos of four of the most iconic American brands: Nike, Coca-Cola, Apple, and Google. Each one of these now giant corporations started their brand as a small company, but what made them grow so large that they exist in the back of our minds? It’s not just the great products each of these companies make, but the logos, commercials, and ideology that make up their brands. If you want to make your brands work as well as the big guys, check out these books.
Designing Brand Identity by Alina Wheeler
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The first thing to learn when trying to master something is the basics, and this book gives you the essential elements you need to know before you start making your brand. It uses case studies from major marketing companies so you know it’s advice will have real world applications.
The Science and Art of Branding by Giep Franzen and Sandra Moriarty

This book not only gives you an in depth look at what makes effective marketing, but it also switches the perspective from the producer to the consumer. It looks at what makes the public want to buy.
Emotional Branding by Marc Gobé

This book said social media would be one of the biggest players in marketing to a younger generation. So what? It said it in 2001. And if that's not enough, it's techniques helped Barack Obama get elected.
How Brands Become Icons by Douglas Holt

The best way to learn is from studying the best and this book helps you do that. Read about how brands like Coca-Cola went from simple to iconic.
Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits by Debbie Millman

One of the more lofty books about branding, this book examines why people feel the need to express themselves through what they buy. In a market saturated by millions of choices, this book explores how the consumer decides.
Create, Convince, Connect by Jorg Dietzel

Dietzel makes branding sound as easy as using a 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner in this book. The book examines creating something that not only convinces people to buy the product, but to connect on personal level with your company's philosophy through branding.
Logo Design Love by David Airey

A brand is nothing without an image behind it. This book not only shows you what makes a great logo, but shows you how to love it’s intricacies.
Designing Brand Experiences by Robin Landa

Brands are more than just products; they’re a collections of the fun times and memories we have when consumers are using the product. This book shows you how to introduce potential customers to the idea of the experiences they could have with your brand.
Brand Atlas by Alina Wheeler

If you're into making logos, you're probably a visual thinker. This book gives you information on the world of branding accompanied by well-designed and elegant graphs. It makes the secrets of marketing visible on the page instead of buried in text.
Branding Yourself by Erik Deckers and Kyle Lacy

When the generation that grew up watching YouTube instead of TV and chatting on Facebook during recess comes of age, the individual will be the most important thing to brand. Celebrities have been making themselves brands for years, but social media gives us the power to do it right, and this book will help you make your brand more Clooney than Miley.