Blog of laurent Dusausoy, it's all about branding and brand equity

Blog of laurent Dusausoy, it's all about branding and  brand equity

Global Powers of Luxury Goods 2015 Engaging the future luxury consumer

images.pngDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) is pleased to
present the 2nd annual Global Powers of Luxury Goods.


This report identifies the 100 largest luxury goods companies around the world based on publicly available data for the fiscal year 2013 (encompassing companies’ fiscal years ended through June 2014).

The report also provides an outlook on the global economy; an analysis of market capitalization in the luxury goods industry; a look at merger & acquisition activity in the industry; and a discussion on engaging the future luxury consumer


The key learnings of this survey are:

  • The economic climate for luxury goods companies is on balance, positive, but there are risks and problems nonetheless. On the positive side, the economies of the U.S., Europe, and Japan all appear to be on the rebound. Asset prices, including property prices, have done well, thus boosting the purchasing power of upscale consumers. On the negative side, economic growth in three of the four BRIC economies has either stalled or decelerated, the exception being India. Moreover, currency market volatility has thrown a monkey wrench into the best laid plans of many companies. Among the risks going forward are the possibility of a rise in energy prices, a drop in asset prices, and potential geopolitical shocks in such places as the Middle East and the South China Sea. Overall, however, luxury goods companies should be pleased that, after many years of stagnant growth, the global economy is mostly on a positive path.

  • The relationship between digital and luxury can no longer be ignored. Technology will continue to influence the entire value chain within the sector.

  • Technology as a competitive advantage: Navigating the uncertainty of the “wearable dimension.

  • The global make up of luxury demand is changing: Being able to identify the right channel for marketing, understand purchasing motivations of luxury consumers, and address the differences in benefits between shopping in-store vs. online will be a key focus for luxury brands going forward. These factors are strongly aligned with the increasing importance of digital within the luxury space

  • The traditional approach to corporate social responsibility has evolved; there is now an expectation that societal and environmental investments should positively reinforce the corporate brand strategy. This concept of shared value will continue to be of utmost importance in 2015 and the luxury industry has a unique role to play in its development. The luxury space can create powerful experiences that will help to positively influence societies and cultures by nurturing talent, celebrating history and culture, and supporting brand ethos though charitable change—and in doing so support long-term growth of the luxury value chain.

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  Download here the full report.


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